84th Engineer Battalion (Construction)
Association Viet Nam

Page 4
Thanks go out to
Glayron for these Pictures from Qui Nhon
I was in QuiNhon from June 66 to May 67.  The nature of being the Chaplain's Assisant took me to Orphanages and the Leper Colony quite often.

Change of Command Ceremony at Camp Williams. SGT Major Fox under red flag.

Chapel at Camp Williams.

Chapel at Camp Williams. Chaplain James behind pulput. ARVN Lt. Phouc at organ. "Abe" with back to camera

A little display on Guard duty.

SP4 Faries ready for guard duty.

Sunrise over Camp Williams

Another sunrise over Camp Williams

SP4 Walker - HQ CO driver

SP4 Rivera - BN CO Driver - SP4 Walker with back to camera

Camp Williams Headquarters - 84thEBC

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