84th Engineer Battalion (Construction)
Association Viet Nam

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Thanks go out to
Glayron for these Pictures from Qui Nhon
I was in QuiNhon from June 66 to May 67.  The nature of being the Chaplain's Assisant took me to Orphanages and the Leper Colony quite often.

Some of these pictures in this collection are large and the pages may take a while to load on a dial up connection

Easter Sunrise Service 1967

Guard Mount at Camp Williams

Evening look at the Barracks HQ Company Camp Williams

The "Ritz" Movie Theater Camp Williams

SP4 Faries with NCO/Officers barracks in background. EM Barracks being built.

USO Show at the Club - Camp Williams

The Water Heater - Get there early or get a cold shower

Mail Run - I believe its Fitzmorris in the back

Water under the bunks in tents. Probably late 1966

SP4 Glayron Faries - HQ Company

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