84th Engineer Battalion (Construction)
Association Viet Nam

Thanks go out to
Gary F. Rice

Photos in this collection and are from Qui Nhon
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HQ Area Qui Nhon

HQ Area Qui Nhon

Gate to Compound

Area Qui Nhon Looking towards the S4 upper Area

HQ Area Qui Nhon, supply run for HQ CO

HQ Area Qui Nhon, I think

POL Tank at tank Farm #2  after being hit by an RPG, as Seen from one of our guard towers, I forget which one

POL Tank at tank Farm #2 after being hit by an RPG, as Seen from one of our guard towers, I forget which one

Crew putting in buried POL  line to prevent fuel theft . buried 6 Inch and 8 Inch POL line about 3-4 feet deep

Trucks that Carried the POL Line

Trucks that Carried the POL Line

Who can forget PFC Short Timer

Qui Nhon I Think

Qui Nhon I Think

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